All of us complain… and then there is John !

For all our lives, day in day out, we have been complaining about one thing or the other. Very few of us make an effort to think about why, and what needs to be done to improve the situation. And this cycle of all words and no action, has become a norm in our lives that we have come to believe it as a form of therapy for ourselves.

John Francis founded an organisation called‘Planetwalk’ (after his nickname). So how did he get this nickname..? It all started in 1971 when 2 oil-tankers collided under the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco creating an enormous oil spill of more than half a milliongallons of crude oil (as shown in the pic below), leaving a devastating impact on the surrounding environment. This created an impact in young Mr. Francis leading him to question – ‘what would happen if people stopped using cars ?’

This thought led him to lead by example to start walking in the year 1972, and vowing not to use any motorised vehicle for traveling. Initially he expected people to follow him and forgo automobiles too… With his banjo and his backpack, he wandered the country on foot and bicycle to demonstrate his belief, that a lone individual following his conscience could inspire change.

His vow lasted for 22 years until 1994, and 17 of which he spent in silence. Why was he silent now ? In his own words, ‘That one day was sort of a gift for myself and to give the town a rest. Because I talked so much.’ And that one day was extended to a month, then a year, then 17 years. He used hand gestures, nods, meaningful glances and, as a last resort, written notes to communicate. One of the exceptions he made was to call his parents after 10 years of silence to tell them, he loved them. Does anyone think he is crazy by now ? Oh dont worry… plenty did so including his family.

Although the reasons for his silence and his lessons from it are interesting, what made me most curious about him is that during this time of silence, he actually did 3 degrees, a B.A., an M.A, ending with a Phd. in Land Management. Mind you, he walked from one state to another to do his degrees which at times took years for him to get there. One example, he contacted University of Montana telling them he would come there in 2 years for his Masters. And then he walked to Washington, built a boat, and sailed over to Montana from there. There he was in 2 years with his application… Sounds crazy ? Oh yeah… but true ! Did I tell you that he did some lecturing at Montana as well (in silence again) ?

As in the case of John Francis, we need not be a Mahatma ‘to be the change we wish to see in the world.’ Just look around… you will find many ways, and all it needs to get the ball rolling, is you

You can follow him through his personal website, Planetwalker.

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